Thursday, March 5, 2015

 How Dallas Nurse Pham contracted Ebola

When Ebola hit the news every one was worried about contracting the virus especially emergency rooms and hospitals because thousands of patients come in and out these hospitals with all kinds of viruses. Doctors and Nurses need to be more updated on such precautionary to protect themselves from such deadly viruses. Nurse Pham was told not to worry from executive staff members when she was told to take of Thomas Duncan (first person in the states to have Ebola), but to find out she was not taking the right precautions such as covering all her body from head to toe, so she was exposed and this is what caused her to contract the virus. She was given a sheet of paper and told to read what precautions to take while caring for a patient that has Ebola. Because there was no proper training given to staff about this case staff did not know how to protect themselves. Hopefully all hospitals and emergency rooms are being trained not only how to handle to Ebola, but any virus that the near future sees. I am not saying we can see the future, but there must be some way nurses, doctors and staff can better equip there hospitals with. I would say just as a precaution always protect yourself not only with gloves and face masks, but with proper clothing to be sanitized that is provided by the hospitals to staff members........

Nurse Pham is filing a lawsuit currently ongoing...........

1 comment:

Teeps said...

I saw this on the news the other day. It would be sad to contract a disease like this one because of how dangerous can be. Even so, Nurse Pham seemed a bit overdramatic in the news clip I saw, saying that she still has nightmares about the disease even though she's been cured. It will be really interesting to see whether or not she wins the lawsuit.