Thursday, February 12, 2015

Alien Contact?

Recently the U.S. has been talking about actually making contact with intelligent alien life. Is this an actual legitamit issue that we should be worrying about? Is there reason to believe that there is intelligent life out there somewhere or is our country wasting time and money on something that may very well be completely pointless? I think that it is completely pointless and this idea should be put down immediately! The millions spent for this pointless project could be used for other more important issues in society.



Unknown said...

Where would the money be coming from to fund this? Even if we knew for sure there was alien life, would it really benefit humanity to contact them? This seems like a big waste of government resources.

Unknown said...

I agree with your comment, we should not be using money towards intellectual life. Nasa would probably be responsible and for the past years they have lacked funding. We went to the moon once and have yet to return since the space race. We should be more concerned about funding past projects from NASA rather than this. We where the leaders in the space race before, but this should not have our attention.