Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Game

The NationState game is fun and I find it to be very creative, though I feel that at times were given too much at once. Its not the most demanding work, but in class time is limited and we don’t have enough time to have creative thoughts and actually brainstorm what can work and what doesn’t, were just expected to have all the tasks given to us completed within an hour or half an hour sometimes. I think that the game is going well though, and my group is very good about voicing all of our own opinions and combining them into a whole idea for our country. I think I am fairly happy with my country/group…I think looking at it now there are a few paths I would have chosen differently if it were a real country, but it’s a game and its just for fun. My group kind of approaches every situation when it is presented to when we had to go to war with the entertainment group we kind of just went along with it, no specific strategy just going with the flow. I don’t really think we have a specific “real-world” example, our country (planet) is pretty creative and new though I would say a few of our rules is from the old tribal like societies.


lt.sutton said...

Its definitely hard to complete all the work in class on time, but it always seems to get done, partly because its rushed and partly because my group works so well together. It'd be nice if we were given smaller chunks to chew at once, but then the game would never get anywhere. I enjoy this game because it allows us to be so creative together and be comfortable around one another. I don't think anyone wants to have a specific strategy when it comes to dealing with other countries because everyone in the class gets along so well haha.

Unknown said...

I think you make an excellent point regarding time management. It is difficult to get a real flow going meeting but once a week. I do enjoy the interaction between groups as well, and that is difficult to accomplish as well with the time constraints. Well reasoned and thoughtful post.