Thursday, March 14, 2013
Do I think Drones Should Kill?

- Unknown said...
Devin, who gets to decide what "in such a way that effects American lives or security" means? The whole point of due process is to stop the government from acting capriciously or arbitrarily. No one wants a terrorist act to occur in our country again, and frankly I think we have enough armed people to respond adequately to any threat until a true state of war exists. Then, and only then, is it OK for our government to give us air cover via mechanized drones. To do otherwise is to capitulate to the will of the terrorists who wish to see us corrupt the rights and freedom we enjoy. Think about it. Drones equal living in a police state. We are not a police state.
March 14, 2013 at 2:45 PM
- lt.sutton said...
I agree that drones should be allowed to hunt dangerous criminals. For example the Dorner incident, after killing the lives of cops he should have been hunted by a drone. Putting the lives of innocent people in jeopardy to hunt down any escaped/crimal man has always been extremely dangerous, but in today’s world we have all the right technology to capture people without endangering the lives of any human.
March 14, 2013 at 2:51 PM
- marebear said...
LT, if that's the case, and it's too dangerous to be a police officer, then that's going to put a lot of police out of work, because that's what they do. Also, we do have the technology, but sometimes the technology has glitches, just like computers. Air traffic controllers fall asleep all the time, how is the person behind the drone supposed to know what your Uncle Bob looks like compared to the criminal that looks just like him in your neighborhood? How would you like it if those police drones were circling over your house, looking for a criminal, and they took out your family? Would you still think they were a good thing to have around? I think it's a very cowardly way to deal with criminals oversees for this reason as well.
March 15, 2013 at 9:42 AM