Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Reflection

Thank you Professor Ellerman for an awesome class! It was very educational, fun, and always kept me interested to learn more. I was very surprised with the content of the class. I expected a much more theoretical approach--studying case law and legislation of various countries at different points in history. Instead, the class took a more practical perspective. We took current issues and, with our understanding of the Constitution, decided how they should be resolved. I was also not expecting the NationStates game. That took me completely by surprise! Leave it to Professor Ellerman to turn class time into game time and still make it an educational experience. So, again, thank you Professor Ellerman for a great class.

Episteme. I didn't learn as much as I wanted on the our laws and the concepts behind them. For instance, what does "cruel and unusual punishment" mean and why is the separation of church and state important. That is what I expected the class to go over. Still, I learned alot on current issues and how the constitution applied. The NYT was amazing. I enjoyed learning from it. The Emotional Life was also very interesting and something I have never looked into before.

Techne. As blog leader, I learned more about communication (listening to peoples' ideas and discussing my own) and the importance of motivation and creativity. I also learned about the importance of technology. Without Facebook and Googledocs, everything would have been several times harder.

Phronesis. The Emotional Life was a great learning experience. The sociological reasons for the different ways people act and how it affects society and our laws was new to me.

Metis. The NationStates game was awesome. Most of what I learned in Metis was from negotiating alliances with other countries and trading. When I came up with the idea of a United Nations, I had an intricate plan to use other countries and put Cerebria on top. Once we allied with Awesomtopia and Reach, things went rampant. Odin started allying with other countries (which I didn't want) and Soger was trading and making war like a mad man. I can't believe how fast it all left my control. Overall, the game was great fun and I hope Professor Ellerman will have it again for his next Law and Society class.

1 comment:

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