Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dynamics of the Midterm Preparation and Presentation

1.  Aside from a completely absent member for the whole of the Midterm's preparation and presentation, I would say that my group worked very well together.  We organized meetings at the FLC library during the week leading up to the presentation, and used other effective methods of communication and teamwork to accomplish our goals.  I think Jeff, Chris, and I all contributed our fair share.  Jeff made sure that everything was accomplished in a timely manner, and would give the final word as to weather or not a certain section of our presentation was well-prepared.  I would say I contributed as much as my two partners did during this project's preparation. The score I would give myself is a 9.  I would take a point because of my shifty approach to public speaking;  it's not my thing, but I am working on it!

2. I would remove the absent member, but the one's who participated all did a good job and I think that the three of us worked well together. Adding a member would only be beneficial, increasing the speed at which research can be done on any given topic.  If the added member did not meet expectations, it still would not have done a great amount of harm, and would not do so in the future.  

3. Rating the workplace expectations 
A.  Showing up - 9 - thanks to Google Docs and other means of communication such as Skype and Facebook's Group function, our group has always been able to easily communicate with each other during most times of the day, all days of the week.  I felt a little hesitation the night before the presentation in regards to completion of the slide, but everything worked out and the slide show was ready by 9AM.  
B.  Doing your fair share - 9 - as I said in 1) above, everyone did great and found useful data to share. 
C.  Being on time - 10 - All three of us were able to respond to question via facebook in a timely manner.  Our sole Skype meeting went as planned.  The library meetings went as planned as well.  Flawless victory.  
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members - 10 - Yes.  I feel I answered this in A) and C)
E.  Handling conflict among group members - 10 - No conflict that had any lasting effect on the quality of our presentation. 
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. - 8 - Some Facebook browsing here and there during Library time, but it was nearing the end of our meeting and things had been going well up to this point.  I considered this to be acceptable downtime however!

My five rules for having an effective group:
1. Communicate often with members to ensure that goals are clearly understood.  
2. Respectively speak out if you think there is a problem, sooner rather than later.  
3. Use Google Docs, the "Share" function made this project extremely simple, and in my opinion very effective as a presentation.  
4. Take advantage of modern technology.  Social networking makes for easy communication.  Facebook Group Chat is the next best thing to Skype voice calls.  Use both.  
5. Start preparation the day before you think you should. 

Here is the article I picked.  It has great tips that I agree with completely.  The article recognizes that being able to work in groups is an important skill.  It may be an unavoidable for many College students, such as the one's who take this specific class, so learning it is extremely important in order to earn the grade and to learn to be a more successful and confident person.

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