Constitution for the rights of the individual.
Our country is governed under a true Republic.
One Person, One Vote. Majority Wins. Must show ID to vote. All officials are elected
this way.
is first vested in County Sheriffs, then State Governors, and then the
County Sheriffs are to be elected officials who
will reserve primary authority over maintaining public order. Sheriff’s and
State officials will maintain boundaries.
Laws will be passed through a legislative process
and courts will operate in a similar manner as America.
Government Transparency. No classification of any documents. Only the
Military can classify material as sensitive during time of war for a maximum of
5 years after which it must be declassified and made available to the public.
Free and competitive market. Government is to
only protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide legal framework.
Absolutely no efforts should be made to redistribute wealth or to control or
manage trade. Free Market Banking; Federal Reserve Bank is to be used to deposit and hold Government/State/County taxes.
Balanced Budget Amendment. Budget is to only be
balanced by cutting expenditures and not by raising taxes.
Flat Tax Rate of 14% on all income. No
additional taxes. Individuals who are in a marriage or a union will receive a tax break of 8% on household income.
Taxes are paid to the County first which will
reserve 34% of the taxes to be used for local expenditures, continuous
betterment and schools, 20% will be reserved to the States to allocate
according to state needs, and 46% will be reserved for the Federal Government
which will primarily focus on Defense Spending, Veteran Benefits.
County can only retain 6% of their taxes for
county official employees, States can only retain 5% of their taxes for
official employees, and the Federal Government can only retain 12% of their
taxes for official employees.
Strict separation of Church and State and separation
between Federal Government and Education.
It is the right of the people, and the people
only, to alter or abolish the constitution if it becomes destructive of
individual liberty.
The Constitution is to never be suspended under any circumstances.
Bill of Rights
Right to bear arms and use in self-defense. No
restrictions shall be imposed, unless the person has committed unjustifiable harm
against another.
Right to life, right to free speech and press,
right to private property with no government interference.
Individual Privacy. No unreasonable search and
seizures of private property. No unwarranted surveillances unless public is
made aware of such use with reasonable cause.
Personal Freedom. Government will make no laws
restricting any individuals Freedom.
Punishment is only warranted on crime that has
affected another person. No laws to “create” victimless crimes such as war on
drugs and crimes that only harm the individual. Complete restitution will be
made to a victim of crime. Common Law Juries. Jurors must follow the minimum and maximum sentencing guidelines and will come to a fair and just sentencing. Any agreement reached in court must be upheld.
All humans are created equal and are held to a
high standard of personal responsibility.
Our Nation values individualism, individual
rights, limited government, free markets.
All-encompassing freedom comes from no harm to
others or society.
Corruption is not caused by a free market but by
government inference in the economy.
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