is it OK for one person to end another`s life? Normally, it is banned for
one person to end another`s life by law. However, maybe i hold the opposite
opinions in some special situations.
For assisted suicide, it is a very controversial topic, but what exactly does the law say? Although there is much debate about the morality of helping a terminally ill person end their life, the fact remains that it is illegal in most countries. Imagine what would happen, as assisted suicide is legal permission. Would someone murder other person with the legal permission? Although three states have passed laws legalizing assisted suicide in certain limited circumstances, it is still unclear for these problems of assisted suicide. So i think the assisted suicide should not be permitted at least for now.
For abortion, the debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option for a long time. An individual`s position concerning the complex ethical, moral, philosophical, biological and legal issues which surround abortion is often related to his or her value system. For me, i think the abortion is the personal choice of the couple and the law should not prohibit.
For the death penalty, criminal punishment is a huge source of controversy in the United States, Opponent often argue that innocent people are sometimes executed and that the main motive is revenge, not true justice. Those who support the death penalty debate that the punishment offers retribution for victims of murder and is more cost efficient than offering life sentences in prison.
Although maybe some innocent people are
executed, i still support death penalty. We can`t uproot flowers, because
someone are allergic to pollen. It is very complex for homicide, such
as self-defense killings, manslaughter, and accidental killings. So we
need to set down very strict legal restrictions applicable capital

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