Thursday, May 9, 2013


I have had mentors throughout my schooling that have used not only their social capital for my benefit, but all the capabilities they had in order to help me succeed my goals. I have found that while having a mentor, you dedicate yourself to your goals more because you not only want to prove to yourself you can do it, you also want to prove it to the person who is spending their time on you. Finding a mentor is not easy, at all. I believe you need to find one that shares similar beliefs and motives that you do so that it will be easier to understand ones thoughts better. After you find out that you share similar qualities, beliefs (whatever it is) you dedicate yourself to showing an interest in this person (the mentor) and hope that in return they will show interest enough back that they are willing to help. Convincing someone that you are worth their time and energy, also relies heavily on what the objectives and goals are and if that person shares a same interest. 


Unknown said...

I agree with you on how you say having a mentor in your life feel more guided and I certainly agree with the fact that the finding a mentor is an extremely hard challenge in its self.

Unknown said...

A I was reading your blog, it shook a memory of probably my first mentor, The assistant Principle at my junior Hi school. I was becoming kind of a jerk and for some reason he took me under his wing. If I started to feel like I was getting in trouble all I had to do was walk into his office and sit on the bench in his outer office. He would let me come in and just talk. It doesn't sound like much, but it got me through 8th and 9th grade. By Senior Hi (10th-12th) I was a little better adjusted thanks to him.