Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bill of Rights and Values

Here are the bill of rights and values for our country.

Bill of Rights:

1.       You have the right to vote and freedom of speech

Express your own individual voice and opinion to be able to pass laws, have new freedoms

2.       You have the right to join any of the three states on our planet

The ability to move from one state to another freely with no restrictions and no boundaries. No law will restrict you to one specific state

  1. You do not have the right to harm other people

If you kidnap, rape or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair or be hung.

4.       You do not have the right to free food and housing

Keple’onians are charitable, wealthy people, and will gladly help anyone in need but we will quickly grow out of supporting couch potatoes who achieve nothing. So get up and work!

5.       You do not have the right to never be offended

This country is based on freedom, and that means the freedom for everyone. You may express a different opinion but the world is full of idiots so…

6.       You have the right to party any day of the week, NOT Sundays

                Except Sundays, Sundays is a day to relax and join with your community and interact. Monday is the new         Sunday fun day

7.       You have the right to note vote

It’s your choice if you don’t care. But if you don’t care  and participate then people probably won’t like you.

8.       You have the right to bare guns

If you miss use these privileges and go on some crazy rampage trying or kill people because you are twisted in the head. Then we the people can take your gun and use it on you when you are caught. Are country is full or fun, freedom, wealth and parties.

9.       You have the right to wage war on another country in class

Only if our government can agree on the choice to do so. If not we will not go forward with it. You do not have the right to do so in your own force. Are country is so wealthy that we have the resources and distance to back you up.

10.    You have the right to become anything you want to be

We as a country will help, support, and provide the necessary resources to help u achieve your goals. We do not promote laziness, everyone must contribute.




Family security




What is right or moral
Public trust/peoples trust in our country/human rights





Unknown said...

this is a lot different than our bill of rights; definitely good though! it seems you country is big on quite a lot of freedoms, it will be interesting to see how Odin takes this!

Unknown said...

You have your own planet? How are we supposed to trade with you? What if a citizen WANTS to be lazy in life? :P

Unknown said...

Alderaan was it's own planet...

marebear said...

I KNOW those aren't fighting words, Edward!! HAHA! Who says we aren't the DEATH STAR?! Muahahahah!

Unknown said...

I'm not the target you're looking for.