Thursday, March 29, 2012


Though we all have the fundamental right to bear arms, I think people should only be able to own guns unless they can prove they can be responsible with weapons. I'm just one of those people who thinks that guns are better off in the hands of professionals or those who have been trained in handling a gun of any kind. Just because you own a gun does not mean you know hoe to use it correctly and that can be as dangerous as the criminals people are trying to protect themselves from.

I remember seeing a story on the news about a student in Colorado who was able to have a concealed weapon on campus at college. In a sense, I understand because of the kind of crimes that are prevalent on campuses such as robbery and rape. I believe that lethal force in self defense should only be used as a last resort, but in the heat of the moment, anything could happen, just so long that it was in complete self defense, I can't stress that enough


Matthew Widman said...

I agree that people should be able to use lethal force when it is completely justified. I also agree that even though someone has a gun doesn't mean that they should have a gun. It's so easy to even accidentally kill someone with a gun, and gun owners must understand this.

Amber Robinson said...

I agree that people need to be appropriately trained with a firearm before they are able to buy one. Honestly I think everyone should have some basic gun training even if they don't ever plan on owning a gun. I think if everyone was more knowledgeable about them gun related accident would drastically decrease.

codytonso said...

I would also like to agree with what you have to say on this topic. It is true that just because you own or have a firearm doesn't mean you know how to use it. And it is also a good idea that people who have guns or would like to have guns are required to take a weapons handling and safety class.

Unknown said...

I Love your articles guys keep it up. this