Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kepler Constitution

Kepler Constitution

Tribal Society
Chief is our foreign diplomat, makes all final decisions, after counsel of the shamans who meet with reps. from each of the 3 districts.

Each region is governed the same with the same basic Tribal Constitutional Laws.  Anyone found breaking laws is subject to the punishment prescribed by the shaman in which the laws he governs have been broken.  The chief makes the final decision regarding carrying out of punishments.

If district tribal members share concerns, and if a majority should decide a law needs to be proposed, district reps. will bring the proposed law before a council of the shamans, who will then privately weigh the law, vote, then enact the law district wide.

The chief can still strike down district laws he deems poor for the district or country, but, his decisions can be overturned by a unanimous vote of the shamans.

No campaining.  Tribes people are required to do a write in vote based on community merit.  Chief is voted for every 10 years.  Shamans ever 5 years.  District reps. every 1 year.  Person with the popular vote wins.

The court system is as follows:
Small offenses - Extra labor/public humiliation
Stealing - Finger cut off
Rape - Penis/Vagina mutilated
Murder - Imprisoned in public cage left to the tribes people to deal with

These punishments are handed out by the shamans.  If someone steals, the shaman of resource/finance/wealth suggest punishment to the chief.  If the chief okays it, the shaman cuts a finger off.  The chief can take pity, and change the punishment as he sees fit, as the chief is a wise man whose opinion is widely regarded.

Taxes are levied so that each able bodied worker provides a set amount of finance/resources each month.  There is free healthcare, free school, and the taxes pay for these things.  The tribes people are okay with this because they all take care of one another, and are happy paying more taxes, if many of the things in their lives are paid for with those taxes, such as school and healthcare.  If a person is not able to work, they must be able to prove they are unable to work, or be under the age of 14. 

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