Friday, February 26, 2016
"Law without force is impotent; Force without law is blind." - Blaisc Pascal
I completely agree with this quote by Blaisc Pascal. This is why there are three different branches of our US democratic government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. These three branches create a "checks and balances" system that allows ideally allows our government to efficiently and effectively make the correct decisions. What is the point of having the law if there is nobody there to enforce it? Or having enforcers without law? This was demonstrated in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. The law in the small town of Shinbone was not enforced allowing Liberty Valance to get away with awful things such as robbery, assault and murder.
Thursday, February 25, 2016

The first being "Law without force is impotent; force without law is blind." -Blaise Pascal. If there is a law in place, and no one to enforce it, then people will take advantage. Sooner or later, people will start breaking any law because there is no one to keep them in check. Another point though is that people do that every day. For example, someone may speed and still not get in trouble if no one is around. And now the second section of the quote, "force without law is blind" makes sense because if someone does something that is legally allowed, yet gets in trouble for it, then that's wrong. A person can't just make up a law for one certain circumstance and not others.
And the second quote "The capacity of people for good makes democracy desirable; their capacity for evil makes democracy necessary." -Reinhold Niebhur. This quote was a little tougher to explain WHY exactly I agree with it. I agree that there are a lot of people out there that are good people, and democracy is in place to make it like that. And the "evil" people out there are why its set in place.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Behavioral Therapy for ADHD
The article that I chose is about how early behavioral therapy can help kids with ADHD. I think that this relates a lot to what we learned from the videos in the class today. When reading the article I found it fascinating how many adolescent children are currently diagnosed with ADHD today. The article claims that if the research is performed on a larger scale the behavior-first approach could grow to replace Adderall and Ritalin as first line treatment. Also Adderall and Ritalin would be more effective as a supplemental and second-line treatment for the children. They would also most likely be prescribed in lower doses than they are normally prescribed today. This article was particularly interesting to me because I have always disagreed with drugs like adderall being a goto drug for children with ADHD. This article helps to point out that there are better treatment methods that will be cheaper and more beneficial for the children.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=5&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
Regulating E-Cigarettes
The Food and Drug Administration is currently pushing to put regulations on E-Cigarettes. E-Cigarettes were originally used as a "safe alternative" for cigarettes, but recent studies have proven that the number middle and high school aged teenagers that use E-Cigarettes has tripled since 2011. Since E-Cigarettes have been deemed a "safe alternative" for regular cigarettes teens are more willing to try them without realizing that E-Cigarettes can in fact lead to the opposite outcome than originally intended and cause them to become addicted to nicotine. The Heart Association stated that they believed that if regulations on E-Cigarettes and other tobacco products were not enforced soon that there will be chronic public health consequences. I don't believe that the federal government has a right to regulate tobacco products on a national level because it is an exclusive power for the state governments to provide laws for public health and safety.
Zika vaccine?
With the Zika virus starting to affect more and more people in America, a vaccine is needed. In the article from CNN, it is talking about Obama asking congress for 1.8 billion dollars for a vaccination. One of the problems is that it may take years to be made, which will not be good for the people affected by it now and in the future. A question is "will it be a mandatory vaccine in all Americans"? In my opinion, I feel it should be, every one should get the vaccine so every one is protected from it. Although there are people who will protest being forced to get it, it is in every ones best interest. We need every one protected so it can't keep spreading.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
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